First wrap each part of the bassoon in tissue paper and put back in case, fill any empty space with bubble wrap so the horn does not move, test this by gently rocking the closed case to make sure nothing is moving. It is not recommended to leave bocals in the case. If you do ,make sure they are taped shut inside the holders, you don’t want them to get loose and cause damage to the horn or the bocal. Next you will need two 14” boxes (you can get them at Kinko’s or Fox to put the bassoon case in); you should have about 4 inches round the entire bassoon case. To do this put bubble wrap or foam popcorn in bottom of the first box 4 inches from bottom, put bassoon in, standing on end, make sure you have about 4 inches around bassoon case and fill in the space with popcorn, now you have half the bassoon covered. Place the next box over this making sure the top end is open then fill with foam popcorn, connect the bottom and top box around the middle with tape. Once the top box is filled ,seal and you are ready to ship. If you have insurance on the bassoon then that is all you need. If you insure the bassoon thru the post office it will cost a lot!